Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Two Things I Hate to Admit

Here are two random things I hate to admit. 1. Last night I found myself watching "Footloose". If that were not bad enough, I caught myself actually trying to breakdance during the final song. Two problems with that: 1. I am old now. Old people turn in their break dancing cards the moment they turn 30. 2. I am very uncoordinated and so instead of looking like break dancing it resembled more of something along the lines of a seizure brought on by the sting of the African Tietsy Fly.(That is if there is something called an African Tietsy Fly).

The second thing I hate to admit is that I am considering wearing a hair net while working on the computer. For some reason I always end up sratching my head while I'm working on the computer and by the time I finish there is a mini pile of hair scattered across the key board. I'm really not sure where to get one. I am considering approaching one of the ladies at a local school cafeteria and see where these can be obtained. I am a little afraid though that if I were to approach the cafeteria lady and ask her where to buy a hair net that she might consider me some sort of stalker. I do wonder if they come in designer colors, possibly a grey or silver one to match my computer.

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