Thursday, August 16, 2007

Some Relief

We got a little bit of relief from one of the lab tests today. We didn't want to say a lot about it at the time but we were given a scare on Tuesday before we were about to come home. We were supposed to be dismissed from the hospital around 5:00 p.m. At about 4:45 p.m., 5 doctors came up to Isaac's room and told us that they needed to speak with us. When a team of doctors shows up it is never a good thing. This is when they told us that had found something on his liver during the MRI. As if this weren't bad enough, they told us that they were going to run some tests to check for the possibility of Cancer. As you can imagine, this was a bombshell. Probably as tough to swallow as when they told us about his bone marrow transplant. Since Tuesday we have kept this to ourselves. Today, one of the labs came back and indicated that it is not liver cancer, which is a huge relief. The doctors believe that it is deposits of iron that will need to be removed through blood draws. We will update more as we know more but for right now it is at least some relief.

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