Thursday, August 9, 2007

A Couple of Firsts

Today, I can officially say that I have had a coffee from Starbucks. Yes, I am 36 years old and I don't know how I ever survived all these years without a Starbucks coffee. Well, yes I do know. I don't drink coffee. I would much rather have a tall glass of Coca Cola than coffee any day of the week. But, it was free so I drank it. I had an early meeting at Starbucks near Cherrydale and the guy I was meeting with offered to buy me a coffee, so I thought why not. I guess that shows my lack of coffee knowledge because to me it tasted no different than Maxwell House and it cost about $4 more.

In other firsts, be sure to check out the link to see all about Stone Bridge Church's first location and service. Read all about it

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