Monday, June 25, 2007


It seems as though some folks think that I placed the sign in the previous post in someone's yard. I categorically and wholly deny placing said sign in one "Big Dave's" yard. I will not deny knowing that said sign had been placed. But the real question is this, does merely knowing and photographing the sign constitute guilt. I really think that Big Dave would be quite suprised at knowing who actually placed the sign. I know, I know, I probably could have prevented this incident by reporting it to the proprietors of the "For Sale" house in question. But, quite frankly I didn't want to get involved in what appears to be someone else's retaliation toward "Big Dave". If "Big Dave" should hapeen to figure out who perpertrated such a deed and would like to render some pay back, then I would be happy to ride along and photograph such retalitory events.


BIG DAVE said...

No thanks. BIG DAVE works alone.

BIG DAVE said...

No thanks. BIG DAVE likes to work alone.

BIG DAVE said...

No thanks. BIG DAVE likes to work alone. No witnesses means no worry.

Sammy Clary said...

Looks like Big Dave likes to really make a point that he works alone.