Monday, March 31, 2008


I need your prayers over the next few days. I won't elaborate but just pray as Melissa, Isaac and I have some things to think about as a family. It's nothing health related with Isaac, just prayer needed. I place the utmost priority on Melissa and Isaac and the well being of us as a family.

One thing I have learned over the years is that no matter what, they are always there for me. I need to be there for them as well. Being there doesn't mean just physically but also having my mind present as well. (Some would argue that I lost that years ago). I think many times people don't realize what pastors go through on a daily basis. Many times I find myself physically there for my family but my mind is off somewhere else dealing with something that has or is happening. Today I found myself having to apologize to my son on one of the biggest days of his life(more on that tomorrow) for not being there. I was there in person but my mind was filtering through the outcomes of different church related stuff. To be honest, I'm tired of that. I've done this for years and it's not fair to the ones that love me most. So what that means, I don't know. It probably means big changes in what and who I listen to, what I focus on, what I give a second thought but it could mean other things as well.

PS this is not the big news, the big news won't be so sucky.

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