Thursday, March 20, 2008

Easter and 4.06.08

This will be our first Easter service with Stone Bridge. Someone was asking tonight what was in store for Sunday. I think the reason they asked is because I preached on the death of Christ at Christmas so who knows I may speak on the birth of Christ this Sunday. Whatever the case, be sure and invite your friends because statistics tell us that most people will attend an Easter Service if they're invited.

Tonight was a good meeting with the Anderson Core Group. The launch is only two and a half weeks away. 4.06.08 at 9:15 a.m. located at Whitehall Elementary. If you live in the Anderson area, I encourage you to invite folks to be there. Here's the thing, that morning following the service, we are taking all of our first time guests to lunch at Chili's in Anderson. This is an easy way to bring a lost friend or neighbor. You invite them and bring them and we'll buy their lunch. If you have been to Stone Bridge before or are a regular at Stone Bridge then we encourage you to go too but you have to pay for your own. This launch is a huge step of faith because after all we are less tahn 6 months old but it is a part of the vision of the church to impact communities across the Upstate.

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