Sunday, July 15, 2007

Random Thoughts and Apologies

Right now I am sitting watching the Tour de France. It's pretty interesting stuff. The crashes are a little worse than in Nascar. For example, About five minutes ago these two guys were leading the race coming down the Alps and one guy suddenly lost control sending the other guy head first over a metal guard rail and down a hill. And true to form him he climbs back up the mountain and his team gives him a new bike and off he goes again. Me personally, one time over the guard rail and I'm done.

Today at Marathon was fun. I think the Clemson fans enjoyed the first part of the message where I was able to make fun of Carolina's losing streak from a few years past. I noticed one family who stood up when I asked Carolina fans to stand and they looked kinda of mad for the next ten or so minutes because I made fun of their team. My apologies to any Carolina fan who may have been offended but I did give Carolina fans some props for their faithfulness(misguided as it may be).

I think also that I could have potentially offended anyone from Florence after I referred to it as the arm pit of South Carolina. If you are from Florence, again as I said in my message "I am sorry"(that you're from Florence).

You can watch this week's message in a couple of days here.

I will be speaking at Marathon for the next two Sundays and then at FBC Liberty on August 5Th.

Join me tomorrow for another segment of You Asked featuring another random question from David Garrett.

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