Sunday, July 22, 2007

Awesome Weekend

We had a great weekend. BJ(Isaac's bone marrow donor) and Linda got into to town late Thursday and we spent most of the day Friday with them. Isaac had been anxious to show them his train room and all of his collections. Both sets of our parents came over and we all had dinner together and they were able to meet BJ and Linda for the first time. All in all Friday was a fun day spending time with everyone. Oh yeah I forgot to mention that we had my favorite dessert, strawberry cake from NickHenrys.

Yesterday Melissa and Isaac went to the lake while I studied over my message for today at Marathon.

Today was a lot of fun at Marathon. The second and third services laughed at my video of the "Yard of Dreams". I was especially proud of this video because I conceptualized, shot, produced, and edited the video myself. A special thanks to Jeff for portraying "the ghost" in the video. You should be able to watch the entire message as well as the video here.
The message will be online sometime during the middle of the week.

I will be speaking at Marathon this Sunday and then FBC Liberty the following week. The second week of August I will be hanging out with my friends Reggie and Wil over at Marathon North shooting some video for their Christmas services.

Tomorrow morning Isaac has labs here at the house and then it is off to Cincinnati for 3-4 days. He continues to improve a little at a time.

One more thing, I told my friend Gary Durkee at Outback in Easley I would get the word out that Outback in Easley is now open for lunch on Sundays. I ate there today and it is just plain good. Just tell him I sent you.

One last thing, some things we have been praying about for some time may be about to come to fruition. There are some exciting things happening that I may be able to let everyone in on in a few weeks.

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