Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Raise Your Hand

You remember when you were in school and if you had a question, the teacher told you to raise your hand. She would then come over to your desk and help you out. Today, I had to make a run to Best Buy for some stuff for church. I walked down about 15 ailses trying to find what I was looking for. Couldn't find it. Then, I went down aisle after aisle looking for an employee to help me out. I couldn't find one. they had the largest amount of stuff to offer anyone but no friendly faces to help me find what I was looking for. Desperate, I pulled a raise my hand. I literally was walking around Best Buy with my arm held high with a look of hey, I need some help. Still no one.

That made me think about the church, we can all the programs, bells and whistles but if we don't have anyone to help people find what it is their looking for then we have missed the mark. There may be people walking in our churches this weekend with their arm raised with questions. The questione becomes will we get outside ourselves and meet them where they are. Be on the lookout, someone searching may pass your way this week.

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