Wednesday, February 14, 2007


I awoke this morning at 5:30 a.m. to the sound of a tree limb hitting the side of the house. It sounded like someone had just slammed a cabinet door on my head. I jumped straight up an ran and checked on Isaac to make sure he hadn't fallen or anything. He was sound asleep. After I determined that the sound was not a "band of hardened criminals" trying to lay siege to the House of Clary, I was able to surmise that in actuality it was merely a tree limb hitting the house. That however did not prevent me from scouring the house for any signs of an intruder. (One side note- always keep some type of criminal deterrent(like a bat or stick) near your bed to field off those intent on seeking havoc in your house in the middle of the night. I did not have said deterrent next to my bed and I imagine that I didn't look all that fierce sneaking through the house carrying a vacuum cleaner to beat off my attackers. It was a Dyson vacuum cleaner nonetheless. Maybe I could have scared off the intruder just by repeating the name of the vacuum. It would have sounded something like this: "Don't make me go Dyson on you" or "Say hello to my little Dyson" or "I'm gonna open up can of Dyson on you")

Anyway, it is cold outside. -6 windchill. We have several inches of snow topped with a half inch of ice topped with a half inch of sleet topped with an inch of snow.

Happy Valentines day to my wife. I asked her to marry me 14 years ago today.

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