Thursday, January 24, 2008

Have Some Respect and Common Courtesy

Ok, I try not to rant on my blog and I don't consider this a rant but there are a couple of things I have noticed in the past week that need to be addressed. A little respect and common courtesy goes a long way here.

1. If you are waiting to get on an elevator, then wait until the people getting off the elevator have had a chance to exit before you go barrelling onto it. Three times in the past week I have been plowed over by people eager to rush onto the elevator. Only one problem, it's not going anywhere until I exit anyway. So slow down and relax and wait until others have exited first.

2. It is not cute that you let your kid push the buttons on the elevator. The other 15 people on the elevator with you have no desire to smell elevator body odor for an extra 3 floors because your child pushed the wrong floor three times. An elevator is a grown up vehicle and only people over 15 should be allowed to push the buttons.

3. As a sign of respect when you approach a funeral procession you should pull your car to the right side of the road as the procession passes. The proper thing is not to whip out and go flying by the hearse and the family car. Seriously, this past Tuesday that happened twice on the way to the cemetary and a third person tried it but I pulled out and blocked their way. Show some respect and class.

4. Turn off your phone at a funeral especially if you have the booty dance song as your ring tone.(Once agian this happened Tuesday). Sure, sometimes people forget but when it does ring don't take a moment to look to see who it is before cutting it off. Show some respect and common courtesy and the world will be a better place.

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