Thursday, August 7, 2008

New Worship Leader?

So we may be on the lookout for a new worship leader. Why might you ask? Well our current one called me today to tell me that he was riding a Steer at a Rodeo tonight. I have an image of Evan trying to play guitar with two broken arms after a large hoofed animal decides to slam him into the mud and then proceed with trampling him. Just kidding we aren't getting rid of long as he has one unbroken arm.

Evan and the band are playing at a rodeo in New Mexico. Chasen has gone country. I guess they could start off their set list with a new version of Crazy Beautiful. Instead of the Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ohhhh , they could start it like this Rooooooo deoooo.

I will post pics of his Steer riding when he sends me one.

1 comment:

Jeannine said...

Evan can ride a bull, but he can't play nerf-hockey on a slip-n-slide cuz he might get hurt? Wut up wid dat?