Friday, December 28, 2007

Awesome Week

This has been an awesome week. We celebrated Christmas and Isaac's birthday at home for the first time in 3 years. I know that Isaac is going to be just like me. This is scary and exciting at the same time. The reason I say this is because while most kids settle for a roller skating birthday party or some other type theme party, Isaac wanted a fireworks party. So fireworks is what he got. Thanks to our friends at Charlie's Fireworks in Pickens for hooking Isaac up. We blew up everything we could get our hands on, including a pair of sparkler bombs that still make me giddy.

Isaac and my nieces were amused as I entertained them as I ran through the yard holding pyrotechnics shooting flaming balls of report into the midnight sky. WARNING!!!! Kids do not try that at home. Fireworks are meant to be placed on the ground and lit. Light fuse and run. And please no emails about how to make a sparkler bomb as I will not be party to someone losing an arm.

In church news this has been one of the most productive weeks that I have had in 10 years. Even with a couple of days off this week I was able to get ahead by four months on my messages. I am currently planned out for the next four months on every message. That includes topics, scripture, video elements, series, graphics and more. I haven't written out each message word for word yet but I do have the main theme and all the elements for each message planned out.

This past week has been some awesome meetings about the coming months. Next week I hope to announce some really cool stuff that is going to be happening in the next 6 months. I will be sharing this first with our church on Sunday the 6th and then I'll put it on the web.

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